Wednesday 1 January 2014

What Bread maker is best for you?

I have a new hobby in mind for the new year... Read more about my decision here

Best Bread Maker...Is more always better?

In this age of technology we are always searching for the bigger, best and most advanced. As I have searched for the perfect bread machine I find that more isn't better. Fresh bread has no preservatives and the loaves definitely don't keep long. More importantly, I am only making bread for myself so I needed a machine that would make smaller loaves without sacrificing quality. This website offers a video review and reasons why these top three bread machines make the cut. Check it out!/2014/01/best-bread-maker-is-more-always-better.html

Are you ready for a new bread machine?

With the conclusion of 2013 and the start of 2014 I have been doing a lot of thinking. Not really a new years resolution but more of the start of making more healthy choices. I love fresh bread and I think that one of my new hobbies will include making my own bread via bread machine. I now can control all the ingredients that are added to the bread without worrying about the bad stuff. Looking for a bread machine? Check this site out